Traveling Butterfly
H620 × W540
海を渡り旅をする蝶 浅黄斑 旅をするのは人だけだはありません 技術の進歩は世界の距離を縮め やがて宇宙にまで旅ができる時代になる だからこそ、 目の前にある大切なものを 見失わないで欲しい この小さな蝶がいつまでも旅を 続けられる地球であって欲しい
菊を中心に水・ 大地・ 植物・ 昆虫・ 空の家紋で 自然豊かな地球を表し その上に咲く花は希望を花には
松 ・ 竹 ・ 梅の吉祥文様を
まだ見ぬ未来、 地球上のすべての命あるものが 幸せでありますように 先人から受け継がれた かけがいのないものを守りたい・ ・ ・
ASAGI MADARA, the monarch butterfly, crosses the ocean.
Not only human travel. Now that science progress made the word a small place, now that we live in a time when even space travel is possible, we should not lose sight of the things right in front of our eyes. And our planet should always be a place where little butterflies can go on their journey.
Symbols for water, soil, plants and sky are sourrounding the chrysanthemum in the middle, symbolizing the nature of our planet. Above all the three japanese symbolic plants for luck and hope: pine, bamboo and plum.
We should protect the unknown future, the happiness of all creatures on earth and the precious things our ancestors gave us.
Bodhisattva and the Spiderthread
H460 × W360
観音様の手から下された 細い細い蜘蛛の糸 切れるかもしれないその糸を 掴むことが出来ますか? チャンスのは貴方の目の前に 自分だけが成功する? それとも・ ・ ・ 選ぶのは貴方の自由 でも分かち合える人がいる方が 素敵だと思いませんか?
A very thin spiderthread running down the hand of Bodhisattva (the Buddhist deity of mercy). Can you grab this thread which is almost about to tear off?
Maybe you could and climb up alone. But wouldn't it be nice to share it with others in need, with others who want to climb up, too... before it tears off?
The Rising Dragon
H535 × W445
啼き声は雷雲や嵐を呼び 竜巻となり天空に昇る 自在に飛翔し
長髯をたくわえ 喉下には一尺四方の逆鱗があり 手に宝珠を持つ
秋になると淵の中に潜み 春には天に昇る 太古の時代より変わる事なく 日本の大地を守り続けているのです
It's roaring voice calls storm and thunderclouds. It becomes a tornado and rises up into the sky. It flies freely and grows it's beard. The Dragon's throat is covered with long scales and in his claw he holds a treasure sphere.When autumn comes, he hides in deep riverpools and rises up to the sky in springtime again. Even these days the Dragon protects the archiple of Japan.
H440 × W530
私たちは自らこの世を選び生まれてきた そして旅立った後も尚、 幸せを願う 迦陵頻伽は 女性の上半身と鳥の下半身を持つ 極楽浄土に住まう鳥 如来の教えを称えその声と舞は 非常に美しい
極楽浄土は命ある者全てを 救うため創造され 真言を唱えれば皆極楽に 往生できると説かれています そして命終の後永遠のやすらぎ
真 ・ 善 ・ 美の極まった世界へ旅立つのです
We chose to be born in this world and started our journey hoping for happiness.
KARYUBINGA is a half bird, half human godess, living in the Buddhist Paradise. Her teaching voice and her dance is extremely beautiful.
The pure land of Paradise is made to save and protect all living creatures. It is said that everyone can be reborn in Paradise who recites the MANTRA. That everyone get's peace in the afterworld for ever and will travel to a place of perfect truth, good and beauty.
H630 × W450
平安な世の中を迎え幸福をもたらし 子孫繁栄の証ともされる 千年生きた狐は神獣となり 体毛は白く眼は金色に輝き 千里先までを見ることができるという そして二千年生きると 「空狐」 となり 狐耳を持つ人の姿をした神になる いつの世も平安でありますように
A creature which's appearance is described as a fox with white (sometimes glimmering gold) fur and 9 tails. A divine beast sent down from Heaven to give the world peace and happiness. It is also a symbol for descendants prosperity.
A myth tells that there was a fox which lived for about a 1000 years and became a God. It has white fur and it's shiny golden eyes can see very far. After it lived for over 2000 years than, it became a Sky-Fox and a human creature with foxlike ears.
May be Peace on Earth!
The Godess of OIRAN
H630 × W450
法の番人正義の女神 「Justitia」 天秤は正邪を測り、 正義を表し 剣は力を表す
「剣なき秤は無力、 秤なき剣は暴力」
目を隠しているのは、 前に立つ者の身分に関わらず 万人に等く 「法の下の平等」 の理念を表す
良しも悪しきも、 立場や見方で変わる 花魁は様々な人間模様をどう見るのでしょうか? 「BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU」
KANZASHI with fragrant wood
調合した香木を入れ 揺れることで優しい木の香りが ほんのり癒されます 飾りの部分は根付 (キーホルダー) に変更できます
Compounded fragrant wood gives up a gentle smell when the boxwood made KANZASHI is in motion. The fragrant wood compoundings can also be adjusted to keyholders.
SHYAMISEN lamp and the Spirit of Objects
H980 × W190
楽器としては使えなくなった三味線に 新たな命を 菊の家紋を中心に四方神にて結界を表し 水・ 土・ 風・ 空の家紋を彩る
「陰陽に云ふ、 器物百年を経て化して精霊を得てより 人の心を誑かすこれを付喪神と号すと云へり」
道具が時代を経て変化することを 「付喪神」 とする
The japanese traditional instrument SHYAMISEN reused and reborn as an oriental lamp.
The design shows a chrysanthemum in the center and the symbols of the four Gods who are ruling the four directions: water, soil, wind and sky.
Using an object over a long time makes you feel attached to it and gives it a soul.
The ANDON-TSUKUMO-God, the 'Spirit of Objects', can change objects over time.
『古道具 de 洋灯』
H390 × W390
火鉢の枠に新たな命を 菊の家紋を中心に四方神にて結界を表し 水・ 土・ 風・ 空の家紋を彩る
A frame of an old brazier reborn.
The chrysanthemum symbol in the center sourrounded by the symbols of the Gods of the four directions: water, soil, wind and sky.
WASHI Candleholder
H105 × W95 × D95
伊勢型紙にも使われる渋紙を彫抜き 雲龍紙を貼り合わせることでやさしく ゆらゆらと揺れる灯りが温かみを感じます
(蝋燭タイプの LED を使用しているので安全に使用いただけます)
Cut out ISE-form-paper (paper treated with persimmon extract) and UNRYŪ-paper sticked together. This gives the light a very warm glimmer.
(Using a LED-candlelight it is absolutely save.)
H150 × W95 × D95
(糸巻を使用することで、 古道具と和紙の温かみのある灯りを お楽しみください)
Japan's oldest historical records, the KOJIKI, says that in ancient times the 'God of the Winds' was born from IZANAGI and IZANAMI, the Gods who created the archipel of Japan.
The 'God of Lightning' was (named HONO IKAZUCHI NO ŌKAMI) born from IZANAMI when she went to Hades.
It is believed that praying to the 'God of Winds' can calm storms and that praying to the 'God of Lightning' can ease natural disasters.
(There a bobbins used. Please enjoy the warmth of these old japanese style objects.)
H215 × W260
デザインされた美しい札 古今和歌集で定義された 日本美のルーツが六百年経て息づいている
A beautiful design of flowers and birds of the four seasons. These pictures are used in an old japanese card game, the HANA-GARUTA. They have their roots in over 600 years of poetry and show the japanese sense of beauty.
Thousand Armed Bodhisattva
H450 × W325
千本の手の掌に一眼をもち その千本の手はどのような衆生をも漏らさず 救済しようとする観音の慈悲と力の広大さを表す
地獄の苦悩を済度し、 一切衆生を済度するに 無礙の大用あることを表し
諸願成就、 産生平穏を司るという
In every of his 1000 praying hands he has an eye. His 1000 hands show his strength, his mercy and compassion to save all living things. He saves from suffering in hell.
『般若心経』Heart Sutra
H340 × W415
唱えよ、 心は消え、 魂は静まり 全ては此処にあり、 全てを超えたものなり 悟りはその時叶うだろう 全てはこの真言に成就する
Reciting the Heart Sutra makes your desires disappear, calms your soul. Everything is 'here'. All is forgotten and passed. There will be enlightenment and perfection.
『アート曼荼羅』Art Mandala
H350 × W350
曼荼羅は宗教的世界観だけでなく もっと広い意味をもつ 複数のシンボルを一定の秩序で 組み合わせたものを曼荼羅と呼びます 円は運命の輪、 角は強さを
花は優しさを、 星は空を表し 上向きの三角形は男性と火 下向きは女性と水のエネルギーを 四方の眼は見方を変える事の重要性を表し 調和のとれた宇宙を表す
The Mandala does not only mean "the view of the world" in a religious way. It has a bigger meaning: Symbols in a certain order and combination are called "MANDALA".
The circle stands for the circle of life, square is strength, flowers mean tenderness, stars are symbols for the sky. An upright triangle stands for male and fire, a triangle showing down for female and the power of water. The four eyes in every direction says how important it is to look around and have an open mind. It all shows the complete harmony of the universe.
The twelve Zodiac Sighn Mandela
H250 × W250
生まれ年の干支それぞれに守り本尊がある 古くは、 時刻や方角を表し 生活に欠かせないものだった 向かい干支は相性が良く 深い縁で結ばれると云われている
Each Zodiac Sighn has a certain way in which it protects people. In ancient times, the Zodiac-Circle was also used as a clock to tell time. The sighns facing each other go good together and it's said that they are deeply connected.